Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today has been a really busy day, we were all up around 5:30 this morning! The kids heard Dana getting ready for work so they thought "hey how bout we all get up!" and that was that. I definitely NOT a morning person, unless I have something planned or it's a school day I generally sleep in as late as my kids will allow! Anyway so we got up, I got the rest of the laundry done, house cleaned, and the kids bathed all by 7:00 a.m. which was actually kind of nice, then I lounged around in my pajama's till Dana got home around 1:30 p.m.. I did finally get dressed when I decided to go clean out the car!! We finally got the windows on the passenger side of the car up WAHOO!! They aren't fixed mind you but at least they are up and trips out of the house don't require blankets and winter gear, we still need to get the parts to fix the windows, but right now there are some other more pressing things we need to do to the car before our trip to Idaho (13 more days!!) so that comes first. Anyway so since the windows are up I can actually clean it and it will stay that way, it was soooo filthy it took me an hr and a half SHEESH! Once the inside was clean we took it over to the car wash by our house to vacuum it out, I didn't want to risk ruining my vacuum(yes it was that BAD), it does look very nice now and it smells "oh so lemony fresh!" I love now hopefully it will stay pretty clean till our trip to Idaho(13 more days *giggle*). I hate having a dirty car besides driving me INSANE it embarrasses me, just cause I have kids doesn't mean my car has to look like a pig pen!! And really the kids aren't the problem, it's my hubby he just throws anything and everything on the floor, I took out more of his sweaters and jackets then kids toys!!Anyway now I can rest a little easier now that the car is clean (it was buggin me that much!).

In other news Kaleb snuck into my bedroom(which I could have sworn was locked) and pulled out the boxes of Christmas presents (which were in the top of the closet) and unwrapped every single one YUP every one! I bet you can guess how mad I was right!? Kaleb spent most of his afternoon in time-out, and he now has to earn his presents back, I told him if he isn't good then he won't get any presents at all cause I will tell Santa not to bring him any! Needless he was a much better listener and helper the rest of the day, hopefully it will last!

Dane got the rest of the Christmas lights up today and they look pretty good, not perfect mind you but it looks nice. I got Kaleb's bathrobe cut out, hopefully I can get everything else cut out and done before the trip (13 days!! *giggle,giggle*), I have a couple of skirts I need to make by Tuesday though so the winter clothes are going to have to wait a couple of days. We are going to get some family pictures done on Tuesday, the boys are going to wear black shirts, and the girls are going to wear pink shirts with pink, black and white sheer skirts over black tights and they will have bows that match too. I can picture it in my head I can't wait!! Tomorrow is my day to totally rest and rest I shall! Have a great weekend! Oh yeah and don't forget to check out me GIVEAWAY at Goldylocks and her 2 girls!

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