Monday, October 12, 2009


My sister called me on Saturday night for a recipe of course we talked about everything but the recipe!! The conversation got deep, she has been having a hard time dealing with some stuff, she isn't sure how to over come the feelings that she has or even why she has certain feelings. I have dealt with similar feelings and even situations that she is going through all tho I never thought that I would be the one giving the advice, since she is the one that (unknowingly) helped me though my issues. Have you ever had times were you wonder what you would say to someone if they asked you a specific question? How would you answer? Would you know the answer? I have thought on this many times, but never about the questions that she asked me. When she started asking me questions the answers just came out of my mouth, I didn't even have to think about the questions. There were many times I asked myself were are these answers were coming from? I knew the answer my Father in Heaven was giving the answers I was just a vessel. In fact many of the answers that I gave her helped me, and gave me closure. Both my sister and I needed to hear what was being said. I am so grateful for that conversation, for the answers I got and the answers and advice I was able to give, I am thankful to my sister for asking the questions and my Father in Heaven for the answers and the comfort that came with them.

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