Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Busy Busy

Ellie and I get the pleasure of being sick! We have both come down with a bad cold, we are so congested we can hardly breathe! Ellie has it worse than me cause she is teething right now, the poor sweet baby is so miserable! I'm trying to do what I can for her but it's really hard when you have no idea exactly what wrong, I mean I know she has a cold and she is teething but I know there's more to it than that but I can't really help her. I ran out of Tylenol so I can't help her that way, we've been giving her teething tablets but that only seems to work for a couple of hrs then she is back to being miserable. So far the other kids are fine, Kaleb started with a runny nose on Sunday but it cleared up by Tuesday, he seems to be fine now, Ryne hasn't gotten sick at all Dana has had a sore throat here and there, but other than that I think he is fine, I guess Ellie and I are just the lucky ones to be full blown sick!

Picture day is tomorrow, so I need to come up with a cute and simple style for Ryne. I did a cute one today I thought I might do the same one tomorrow, but curl it all cute and add some flowers or ribbon. Kaleb seems to have forgotten all about the bus forgetting to pick him up and drop him off! He loves to go to school but he is just as excited when he gets home, he loves to show and tell me all the things he did at school, he's learned a couple of new songs with cool actions.

I got the fliers and sign up sheets all made up and ready for the ward party, I was going to print one off so I could go make copies and wouldn't you know it my printer is out of ink and I have no money to get more till pay day next week and I need them for Sunday isn't that wonderful!? Once I get my laundry going I think I am going to attempt to make a bean bag toss game for the carnival, once that's done I will raid my fabric and make bean bags to go with it. Then I think I will finish up the other game I started to make, if I keep busy I won't focus so much on feeling like crap :).

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