Sunday, October 4, 2009


All I can say about General Conference this year is WOW what amazing and powerful messages. I honestly felt that all the talks were directed right at me and my family, I really needed to hear what the prophets and other speakers had to say. I have felt the spirit so strong these last 2 days and oh how wonderful it feels! The talks that were given were truly inspired, some of them answered questions while others gave us much needed comfort. I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven and for all the prayers he answers.

On a little lighter note we got some new neighbors across the street, a very nice family with 4 kids. I noticed them moving in this afternoon, Dane went over to help and then later we took the kids over they we dyin to "meet the neighbors", even though their kids are older Ryne and Kaleb had tons of fun playin with them. They have 2 boys and 2 girls ages 16, 13, 12, and 10, their girls were goo goo over Ellie. It's nice to finally have some neighbors it's been about a yr since the old ones moved out, it's been kinda lonely, and I think we are going to get along just fine.

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