Monday, October 12, 2009

Deep cleaning

I got pretty zealous over the weekend and deep cleaned my bedroom. I realized last week as I was getting on the kids about how messy their rooms are I realized(with the help of my daughter) that my room was messier then theirs combined! I can't believe I let it get that bed, but my room is right off the front living room so if I am in a hurry to clean up for company stuff will usually get thrown into my room and then forgotten about, then it just piles up until you can't see the floor or the dressers. Saturday morning I got up, got the laundry done and once Ellie was down for her nap I went to work, I started at 10 a.m. and didn't get done with it till around 4 and even then there was still a basket of stuff that needed to be put away and some odds and ends on the floor, but I had to stop to feed the kiddos and then I needed to get some posters for my ward Halloween party done so I could have them Sunday(I know I am such a procrastinator) so I didn't finish the room completely on Saturday but it already looked 100% better than it had before. I didn't work on it on Sunday, cause I just didn't want to! So today I finally finished cleaning my room, Marryne was amazed, Kaleb didn't seem to care except that we got rid of the humongo entertainment center that was just piled with junk, this was Kaleb's favorite jungle gym.

I found many things through my cleaning endeavor somethings that I had been looking for and others that I really could have done without ,like food the kids stashed, or a colony of ants under my bed I know ICK right!! I am still itchin, it really brings home the sayin "Don't let the bed bugs bite", I had to spray down the room and let it sit for awhile, I really hate ants they I give me the heebie geebie's!! Once the chemical smell was gone I figured it was safe and I could finish cleaning, once the room was all done and vacuumed I had the kids come in and sit on the floors and I told them the doe's and don'ts of mama's room, starting with NO FOOD or drinks of any kind, and no toys I had 2 baskets full of toys that came out of there and no getting into our drawers and pulling out clothes!! I had them each repeat the new rules to me a few times just to get my point across, and every once in awhile I will walk by them and ask what mommy's bedroom rules are just so they don't forget and in case they do I decided that I will keep it locked!

I feel much better about the my ward Halloween Party now, once I sent around the sign up sheets, and talked to a few people I am much less worried now than I was. Everything seems to be falling into place, now all I really need to worry about is getting some volunteers to run some of the games and someone who would be willing to do face painting(other than myself)and I will be set. My sister gave me the idea of a Chili Cook off and I got some good response when I announced it on Sunday. So now instead of worrying I am getting excited and so are the kids they can't wait to wear their costumes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I don't know how you do it all. I truly look up to you and hope that someday I can be a better wife and mother like you. Thank you for setting such a good example for me. As for the trials we all have them, and us sharing them with eachother and the things we've learned can help others. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend all these years. Losing touch has made us that much stronger. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father brought you into my life. Keep up the good work. Love you.
