Saturday, October 3, 2009


I feel like it's been forever since I have blogged but in reality it's only been a couple of days! Some would say I am addicted:) Anyway I have been workin my fingers to the bone with Ryne's Halloween costume, the bulk of the costume didn't take me long at all, it's the little stuff that's a pain in the butt like the gold belt, and the red boot covers and I'm sure that if I had a pattern it would be a cinch but I don't, the belt was easy, the boot covers on the other hand are proving to be a little tricky! I have never done boot covers before so I sat here and picked it apart and figured out a way to do it, I did it and it turned out great well at least the first one did and guess what I didn't write down what I did or make a pattern of the pieces so the second one didn't turn out so well, lucky for me I have plenty of fabric so I will try again when my brain starts workin!! :) Besides that Ryne loves her Super Girl Costume, Kaleb is even a little jealous, in fact we caught him wearing it the other day!! I think he just likes the cape, I actually made him a cape to but I have to put some ties on it first and I just haven't gotten to it yet.

I was going to make Ellie a flower but I changed my mind, I actually remembered the very first costume that Ryne wore, she was an adorable lady bug!! For some reason I had completely forgotten about it, till I opened once of the Halloween boxes and found it. Ryne and Ellie were both born in January, and Ellie is petite like Ryne was so I think it will be a perfect fit and best of all I won't have to make her one. I love to sew but right now planning the ward party is my main focus. I couldn't figure out what I was going to be for Halloween and it was really stressing me out why I don't know but it was. I guess it's more for the Halloween party how can I encourage the adults to dress up if I don't? I have a mid evil skirt that I made a few Halloweens ago that I could wear again, but I remembered how heavy and itchy it was, and it's still pretty hot here in Az so I think I have decided against it, Dana came up with a good idea though and it will be super easy(I think), he wants to go as Mr. Smith off of the Matrix, and he thought it would be cool if I went as Trinity, I figure sweet he has a suit and that's pretty much all the Smith wears plus sunglasses and Trinity wears all black with some awesome shades ya can't get much easier than that!! I actually already have a black jacket that will work now all I need are some black pants, shirt and some sweet high heel boots and I will be set. We even have some black hair spray stuff from last year that will make me look more the part. Anyway I think I am going to do it, I mean really how many people do you see going as Mr.Smith and Trinity?:) Kaleb is being difficult as far as his costume is concerned, he was going to be Clark Kent with his superman shirt under his reporter clothe but he really wants to wear a cape so he might just be wearing his Superman pajamas with a sweet cape and of course is he does that then I will have to make him some boot covers as well SUPER that would be great!!(did ya catch the sarcasm!?)

I am getting really excited about the Ward Halloween Party, I was kinda worried at first but everything seems to be falling into place. Right now all I really need to do is make some fliers and sign up sheets made. The kids are excited as well, cause they get to as they say "twit or tweet". Now that I have written a novel I will go clean my house and get the kids ready for bed so that I can get some much needed crafting done.

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