Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Special Cheese Cake and 1 a.m.

Yes that's right it's after 1 a.m. and I am still awake not by choice though, no it's not because of the kiddos, it's because of the hubby, I will get back to that in a minute but first I will go through the kind of day I had yesterday!

First I woke up late and was rushed to get Kaleb on the bus on time (what a shocker right!?). After that I had tons of energy so I cleaned the kitchen(cause I didn't have the energy to do it last night!), and the living rooms, fed the girls did Ryne's hair. Once Ryne was gone ,Kaleb was home and Ellie was asleep I decided to cook up the 2 pumpkins that we never carved for Halloween, since they were starting to get a little soft, instead of baking bread and rolls, and zucchini bread. I spent my whole afternoon turning this......

into this, 26 cups of pureed pumpkin, I know your jealous right!?!Kaleb was helping but he got a little tired and decided to take a nap...
Yup! he's laying on the arm of the couch and he covered himself with the couch cushions!
During each batch of pumpkin, I was on-line researching, and comparing car top carriers for our trip to Idaho for Christmas, then I ordered one. After all the pumpkin was done, I started the preparations for dinner, part of it had to cook for 30 mins in the oven so I figured if I timed everything right, I could put it in the oven then take the kids to go get the rest of Dana's birthday presents and then be back by the time it was done and then finish it up. Well that didn't go as planned, Dane got home later than I expected so I decided to go ahead and get started on dinner, we could eat then go do the shopping. Well that didn't go as planned either, I made Roasted Cauliflower soup today, so the first step is to roast the cauliflower, onion and garlic, once that's done ya add your liquid cook on the stove for 20 mins then your suppose to puree the soup (in small batches) in the blender, well all was goin well until the second batch this little guy decided he wanted to be apart of the soup.... this goes into.........this and this is the lid to the blender, well some how that little thing above fell into the blender while I was blending the soup!!Needless to say we had to eat our soup VERY carefully!! We did sift out most of it, but yea that's all I'm gonna say.
Kaleb decided he wasn't going to eat dinner cause it wasn't "green or purple soup" like he wanted, so the decision was made that "if ya don't eat your dinner then you can't got shopping with mommy" which was fine by me cause it wouldn't take me as long with just 1 child(that listens) instead of 2 that don't! Kaleb was very upset with this decision!! Ryne and I left to do the birthday shopping at 6 and got home around 7:30 ish (after we went to 2 Wal-Marts to find what we were looking for!!)Once home, the kids and I wrapped the birthday present (which was a chore in and of it's self). Once that was done it was bedtime, after the kids were in bed I thought I would be able to relax! I was wrong, Dane reminded me of the low carb cheese cake that I needed to make for his birthday tonight so it had time to set and what not. I thought no big deal, until I read the directions and found out it's one you have to bake for an 1 1/2 then let cool in the oven for an hr then let finish cooling on the counter for another 20 to 25 mins!! By the time I got the kitchen cleaned up it was 9:30 and then we began making the cake. Dane was helping at first but then he got tired....HMM now I know where Kaleb gets it from!!
All I have to say is that he better be pretty thankful that I love him enough that I stayed up past 1 a.m. making this.........
for him, knowing darn well I have a full day ahead of me which includes, laundry getting kids off to school, mopping the floors and decorating the house cause "it's not a birthday wif out, bawoons, and hats, and stuff hanging up!"and I still need to make that bread and stuff, I will let you know how things go hopefully better then yesterday! What I was thankful for yesterday was the privilege of being a wife and mother, even though it can really suck at times it is the most wonderful gift I can ever receive!!


  1. That is too funny about the blender! Oh my gosh! If it wasn't painful enough to make. Tee hee on the picture of Dane drooling on the couch too! Dang he looks like a different person he's lost so much weight! How awesome!!

  2. He really does look like a different person, he's even lighter now then he was when I married him, it is really surprising!
    I couldn't believe that stupid thing fell in while I was blending, and the thing was instead of turning the blender off right away, I just stood there and screamed at it, then it dawned on me to shut it off!! Although soup was spouting out if it and it was VERY hot so I was a little distracted, I was glad none of the kids were around to get sprayed with hot soup :)
