Monday, November 2, 2009

Just plain luck..or Blessings in disguise?

I have come to notice that instead of recognizing the blessings that I receive everyday,I chalk it all up to luck, there have been many times were we have not had an illness and I say "boy we were lucky we didn't get that." or there have been times when we have been sick or fallen down and gotten hurt and my response is " well it's lucky we have good insurance that will cover most of that.", or the times when the kids nearly fall and break their little heads open but just walk away with a bruise and a headache and we say " WOW! you sure were lucky, it could have been worse.", but in reality all these things that I have thought to just happen out of shear dumb luck were in fact well thought blessings that my Father in Heaven felt I needed at those times in my life, the life of my husband or the lives of our children.

We were without the Internet and phone for nearly 2 weeks, and all though I disliked not having my phone and feeling totally out of the loop with out my FB and Blog, I recognized it as a blessing, yes you heard me right! I know some of you are asking "How in the heck is being disconnected from the world a blessing!?" and my answer to you would be, although I was disconnected from the rest of the world I was able to reconnect with my family, I realized just how much time that I spend on the computer or the phone and not with my little ones, even though I only get on for 10 mins at a time, I get on at least 10 times a day and if you do the math that is quite a bit of time. I noticed how clean my house was too, instead of spending my time on the computer or on the phone the kids and I would make up cleaning games to help keep things tidy. I noticed that my kids behavior was so much better, they didn't have to whine and cry to get my attention, all my attention was on them and oh the fun we had together. I also got to spend more quality time with my hubby, usually at night we have our different shows we watch, if it's a show that one of us doesn't particularly like then that person would get on the computer, but without the distraction we spent more time together and had some really meaningful, and spiritual conversations. And most of all I was able to do some real soul searching and thinking, I was able to see my flaws, and come up with ways to over come those flaws, I was able to look deep into myself and see the person that I have always wanted to be but thought that it was impossible, or out of reach is closer that I ever thought possible and all I have to do is have faith in myself and my Father in Heaven. I have found that by stepping out of my comfort zone and doing things that I wouldn't normally do, I have strengthened that person inside and she is starting to service, questions that I have had are suddenly having answers, ones that make perfect sense. I fill so rejuvenated, and not only is that change that I have experienced these past weeks noticeable to my family and myself but I notice the change in my family as well.

Things don't just happen out of luck, we need to see the "luck" for what it really is blessings in disguise. There are even things that you wouldn't think are blessings, things that you think are bad luck but I can guarantee if you get past the "this really sucks", "I can't handle this", "Poor me" attitude and truly look at the situation you will find that you have indeed been blessed you just need to figure out what the blessing is, I know I have and I haven't been disappointed just knowing that there is a reason and a purpose for everything and blessings in disguise I know I can get through anything I just need to see it for what it really is and keep moving forward.

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