Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ward Party.

I realized I never posted about the Ward Halloween party that I was in charge of (mainly cause I didn't have my Internet back yet.). Well it went great!! We had an awesome turn out, more than I was expecting in fact we had to set up more tables!! We ended up not even worrying about the different contests, everyone was having so much fun they didn't even notice! I was worried about having everything cleaned up by 8:30 p.m. for a dance that was to follow our party, but there was nothing to worry about EVERYONE helped clean up, we were out of the cultural hall by 8 p.m. and the trunk or treat ended around 8:30, everything went really smoothly! I really want to thank all those who helped me make it happen and all those who were willing to help at the last minute I really appreciate it THANKS SO MUCH!!

It was nice having it in the building this year, it was easier to keep an eye on the kids. Marryne loved seeing all the other kids in their costumes, there was one other girl there that was super girl, I heard Marryne talking to her about their costumes and then I heard Marryne say " Well my cape is longer!" what a funny kid. Kaleb was being a stinker there was always someone that had something with their costume like a mask, sword, light saber that Kaleb wanted and if he didn't get it then he would throw a fit I mean the whole 9 yards yelling, screaming, laying flat out on the floor kicking yeah I just chose to ignore it (that's what seems to work with him). Ellie didn't really have the funnest time the poor thing was ignored a lot that day, well not really ignored but she didn't have my attention for very long. When she woke up from her nap at 3 instead of feeding her like I normally do we loaded the kids in the car and headed to the church to set up, then we ran home to get ready for the party and then went back a little earlier to put the finishing touches on everything, then the party started and I was busy running all over Dane was keeping an eye on the Ryne and Kaleb while some friends watched Ellie, I finally sat down to feed her at 6:30 poor thing was so hungry and she just wanted her mommy. I only got to rest for the time it took Ellie to eat then I was off again mingling and making sure everything was running smoothly. Finally a little after 7 Ellie was screaming for her bottle so I took the time to relax and feed her, all she really wanted was me she fell asleep after a minute or so, I welcomed the break, she only slept for about 15 mins but she was much happier when she woke up.

The kids looked adorable, Kaleb was Superman, Ryne was Super Girl, Ellie was a lady bug, Dane was Obi Wan Kan obi and I was a Mid evil Chick, I was able to get the girls picture taken but Kaleb was too busy having fun, but we did get some of him on Halloween. I will post all of the pictures as soon as I am able to, my computer is currently not allowing me too but we are in the process of fixing the problem so hopefully soon I will have them up. By the end of the night I was exhausted, but it was worth it, there was even a gal that wasn't LDS that heard about the party and came, and now she wants to know more about the church! How awesome is that!!?

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