Sunday, February 13, 2011

Finding the Blessings

Yesterday while sitting outside for the community yard sale I had time to think, which isn't always a good thing but it was this time. I had a thought "We can't choose what trials we want to endure but we can choose HOW we want to endure the trials we have." I have decided to see the blessings that have some from this, they may not be many are still blessings that are needed.

- My family has pulled together, ALL of the house work has become every ones responsibility.

- There is a different spirit in our home. We had been struggling with a lot of contention mainly between the kids, but they would yell at each other than we would yell at them for yelling (yeah you all know how it goes). The stress level has been very high because of this, but since the miscarriage instead of hearing the kids trying to kill each other, I hear please, thank you, and I love you, what a wonderful blessing.

- A sister I haven't talked to in a long time called me, it meant so much to me. I know it's an opening to start a new relationship with her, something I am truly grateful for.

- I have come to know my neighbors better. I felt a lone for a long time not really feeling like I have friends. I was wrong I am surrounded by them, and I am so blessed by there friendship and love. Thank you.

I know there are many more blessings to come, and as I recognize them for what they are I will share them with you. Thank you all for you support and love.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about this. Just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is anything we can do let us know.
