Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Best. Mother's Day. EVER!!

The start to my weekend wasn't pretty but by the end of Friday night things were looking up. Saturday was really nice the house stayed clean and I got to spend some one on one time with Kaleb. Dane wasn't felling well on Saturday so he spent most the day sleeping, so by the time I was ready for bed he was WIDE awake!! Ellie decided that she wasn't tired either and stayed up till 10:30a.m. (I couldn't very well leave her in her room screaming), once she was down for the count I hit the hay and my hubby hit the stores, yup that's right he hadn't done any mother's day shopping but honestly I really wasn't that bummed about it, I got a dryer it may not have been what I wanted but it was what I NEEDED and I was happy.

I woke up Sunday morning to hugs and kisses and "happy mother's day" songs. Once up and out of bed I went to the kitchen to found and orange tree and lemon tree on my kitchen table! I have really been wanting plant trees in our yard so this was perfect, also there that I had totally and completely missed was the book The short second life of Bree Tanner and Eclipse novella, he gave me The Twilight Saga the official illustrated guide for my birthday. So that was awesome I felt dumb I didn't even see it sitting on the table with the trees. Ryne gave me and flower pen and coupon book she made at school she as so proud of herself. While I was reading the home made cards and the ones Dane got Kaleb came up to me in absolute tears gave me a hug and said "I love you mom I promise I won't say hurtful words to you anymore." I was touched I cried (ok cried some more, the cards had already opened the flood gates). I thought maybe he had been prompted by his dad to say that, but a quick glance at Dane and I knew he was just as surprised and touched as I was. Ellie gave me a hug and kiss and said "I wove you" and did the hand signs along with that I had showed her (touched her eye, hugged her arms across her chest and pointed to me for "you") it was sweet I have been trying to get her to do it on her own, but she would only mimic me. It was a bonus.

Once the presents were "opened" and the excitement was over, Dane surprised me with breakfast he made cinnamon rolls, yes they were from a can but who cares it's the thought that counts, and they were YUMMY. It was awesome and we were all dressed and ready in plenty time for church we weren't LATE for once I seriously loved that. Church was awesome too at least for the most part, I did miss the talks cause I was out in the hall with a screaming 2 yr old, but I was able to realize I forgot half my primary lesson at home and go get it. After primary the men came to relieve any women from sharing time so we could go into relief society, which is nice in and of it's self but what was really awesome was what was waiting for us in the relief society room a little brunch eon it was fantastic, bishop talked for a few minutes then gave us the rest of the hour to eat and mingle. It was neat to see the room completely full of happy relaxed women.

Once home from church Dane fed the kids lunch, while I got to lock myself away in my room and read my new book. I also got to call my mom, she has been there for my siblings and I know matter what, she has never turned her back on any of us no matter what stupid choice we made. She has shown me and unconditional love that I hope I can show to my kids.
 It was a lazy day, Dane even made dinner, and brownies for dessert(seriously a man after my own heart, brownies are my fav). It was such a great day even the kids acted kinder to one another. I have learned that some of my best mother's day's have been the ones where I have got what I NEEDED instead of what I wanted like a dryer, hugs, flower pens and  tearful promises. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day.

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