Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Don't take advantage of my friends!!

I have a neighbor who I love dearly, my kids call her "grandma Doreen" she is just plain AWESOME. She is kind to all the kids in the neighborhood, whenever the kids need a little money she usually always has a job for them to do. I get really frustrated when the kids take advantage of her, for instance a boy that lives right across from me went to her and asked if he could do her weeds, of course she said yes but then he said he really needed the money right then so being the kind lady she is gave him the money on the promise that he would do her weeds that was 4 WEEKS ago and the weeds have yet to be done!

What's really sad is that his dad is the maintenance manager in the park, he knows that he son is suppose to do the weeds yet he hasn't made sure it has gotten done. If my neighbor gets a notice or if the dad (of the kid that was suppose to do it) does it then she will be charged by the park we live in which is total and complete CRAP!!! I decided yesterday that I couldn't stand it in longer so today I am going to do the weeds, which is funny cause I got a call from my neighbor asking if they had been done yet of course the answer was no, she asked if I wanted to earn some extra money and of course I said no cause seriously she shouldn't have to pay TWICE for 1 job. I wouldn't want her to pay me anyway, she can't do it herself it's do in my mind the neighborly thing to do is to just do the weeds when I do my own, so that's it my mind has been made up she will no longer have to pay ANYONE to do her weeds.

I found out yesterday that the same kid had gotten paid by someone else to do there weeds and guess what he NEVER did it, they ended up having to go out and do it themselves. My plan is to wait for this kid to get home from school, I will be outside doing her weeds as he is walking home. And I swear if either one of his parents say a dang word about it I will be pissed!!! I mean if my child was paid to do a job, I as the parent would make sure the job was done even if that meant doing the job myself and making him do extra chores at home to make up for it or I would make him do it the rest of the year FREE of charge!! Ok I am going to step off my soap box now, I just needed to get that out I just get so angry when people try and take advantage of other people!

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