The 18th of February was an unlucky day some people that live on my street. In the morning I had learned that my neighbor's house had been broken into, they took her money and some bullets but that was it, we are all pretty sure we know who did it but we can't prove anything, but we have since really started watching out for each other and have made it very clear that we are not going to sit around and allow such things to happen. The next thing that happened, happened to me I have been working on refurbishing some furniture one of the things is a kids train table that someone gave us, ya know what I am talking about it's a 2 sided table one side has a train on it the other side is empty. Well anyway I was trying to get the train pieces that were on the table off, I asked Dana what I should use and well he suggested a chisel! You must know were this is going right!? Well I could quite get the chisel under the train piece so I had one hand holding the table for support while I used the other hand to jam the chisel under the train piece, well that piece wasn't on there has securely as I thought, the chisel popped the piece off but didn't stop there it went right into my hand!!!! Now if you are faint of heart, you may not want to continue to read this part of the post and you definitely don't want to look at the pictures they are pretty gross!! Ok so onto the story, I cussed a little I mean come on a chisel just went into my hand and I figured since my kids were in the house I should do it before going into the house. Kaleb was , conked out on the couch cause he was really sick(more on that later) Ryne was at school, and Ellie was asleep which was nice cause my hand was gushing and I mean GUSHING blood. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I had to hold it together, I proceeded to wash it out which hurt really bad, I managed to get it cleaned up, the bleeding had slowed down but not stopped. Lucky for me Dana was close by picking up Kaleb's prescriptions, although I had no way of calling him cause my Internet had gotten shut off and I have vonage therefore I had no phone! Anyway it wasn't long before Dana got home, I told him what happen and said that I figured everything would be fine if he could just help me get the bleeding stopped and get it cinched together with band aides. Well he took one look told me to get in the car and we went to urgent care. I ended up getting 5 stitches, which I think was worse that actually cutting myself especially since part of the area wasn't numb and the gal didn't listen to me when I told her. Anyway while I was waiting for them to come stitch me up I remembered that my camera was in the diaper back so I took some pics, WARNING do NOT look at these pictures if you have a weak stomach!!

It was funny the nurses and Dr. kept asking me how it happened, and they said usually they get men that get those kind of injuries! What can I say, I like to work with tools and yes sometimes disasters strike. We did use it as a learning experience for the kids, explaining that this is exactly why we don't let them play with sharp things, and that even though I wasn't playing with the chisel I didn't use it properly and this was my consequence. After 10 days with stitches it healed great, I took out the stitches myself since I didn't want pay another co-pay and heck I have seen it done MANY MANY times! Marryne watched as I took them out and asked "don't you have to be a Dr. to do that!?" at which I responded no but if you don't know what you are doing it's best you let a Dr. do it.
When we got home we found our neighbor Doreen outside of her house in a little bit of a panic, she had had a son of a friend come and appraise her house, to see how much it would cost to move it, well he decided to take her wallet!!! Yes you heard me right, and to top it all off while she was taking care of that and running errands the same people that broke into her house the previous night broke in again, did I mention that they had taken her spare keys? This time they took her pain meds, and a few other things! Seriously poor lady 3 times in 1 freakin day!! After I learned about that, I learned that our babysitter and neighbor had to call an ambulance for her dad after he stopped breathing!!! We learned he had a stomach obstruction, gul stones and pancreatitis( sorry I know I spelled that wrong), he has been in ICU ever since, since he has been in the hospital he has gotten some infections that have made everything worse, and they found a cist on something but I can't remember what! To top the day off we took Kaleb to the Dr. and found out he had walking phenomnia(again spelling sorry!) and a double ear infection FABULOUS!!!! What a day that was, but in the end things seemed to work out the way they were suppose to.
Holy cow girl....Boy was that a crazy day. The pictures of your cut are awesome!! Great job! At least you were able to get a lesson to the kids about not playing with tools too. Maybe you should wear some leather gloves next time. I'm glad it healed quickly. I hope Kaleb is doing better. And that totally sucks about your old lady neighbor. I hope they either find the people that did it or something. That's just wrong.
ReplyDeleteI miss talking to you. Sean will be home soon. Sending you a big hug.