What do you do with a dress that you really like but can't wear any more? Turn it into wall hangings and......

a pillow slip cover!!

I loved this fabric from my dress and it fits in my new decor so I decided to re-purpose it, I thought it all turned out awesome!!!I wish I could say that I came up with these ideas all by myself but I didn't I got them from one of my favorite blogs
Make it and Love it, I got the wall hanging ideas
here (I did it on a smaller scale and did 4 instead of 3) and the pillow slip cover from
here instead of making it as a pillow and stuffing it I had a pillow form and did a slip cover instead which you can find out how to do
here. I have been re-decorating my house and I have loved this gal's blog she has such wonderful ideas, it really gets my creative juices flowing. So I have about 4 more pillow's to do but they are all going to be different, I will post more pics when they are done!
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