You decided when you were ready to come, the Dr. had just checked on me to see the progress he figured you were getting ready, he left to make his rounds, within 20 mins of him leaving I was ready to push, the nurses told me to wait, but all I had to do was sit up and your head came out! One of the nurses ran out of the room in search of the Dr. and the other 2 nurses were delivering you! We were so happy when we heard you cry for the first time, what a wonderful sound!

On the 3rd of April we took you in for your well check, your belie Reuben levels were sky high, they sent us right to the hospital. You were in the hospital for 5 days, on the 5th day the Dr. came in and told me that your levels hadn't change with all the time you spent under the UV light, and because your levels had stayed so high for so long you would have brain damage, that wasn't news I wanted to hear. Later that day your dad and Grandpa J gave you a blessing within 2hrs of that blessing your levels dropped dramatically, they tested you to see if there was any damage and there wasn't, we went home that night!
Your 1st Easter!
You always slept in the weirdest positions (in fact you still do!)
First smile!
You were always my shy handsome boy!
Your 1st Birthday, you were a chunky little guy!!
Runnin down the road and Grandma and Papa J's in Idaho.
You loved this little bucket you were it as a hat for a whole year!! We called you "bucket head"!
You have always been curious, you use to make the biggest messes...
Although you did learn that baking soda does NOT taste good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And here you are now our big 4 yr old!! We love you so much, you bring so much joy and energy into our lives. Even though you always have to be running, and busy you care about your family, especially your sisters you are always concerned about them you have such a caring soul. We love you so much and we hope that you have a SUPER birthday!!

We love you,
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