Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kids, weather and home projects!

Today was Scout Day Camp for our Stake it was fun. I a long with another Cub Master was in charge of cooking, going over fire safety and teaching the Webelos how to build fires. I didn't feel at all organized or ready but it all worked out just fine. I found myself watching the boys in each of the groups, there were so many types of boys, ya know like the quiet types, the jokesters, the wiz kids, the athletic types, the smart alecs etc. Some of the boys need get on my nerves a little but by the end of the day I found that I appreciated each one for who they are. I also couldn't help but wonder which type of boy Kaleb will grow to be, and I just need to remember to be proud and appreciate him for him.

So as the weather warms up I have found myself thinking that I would rather spend my summer away from the heat. I have decided to take the kids and go to Idaho for the summer,and no there is no problems with Dana and I things are just peachy I just miss my family and I know I won't miss the heat! The kids don't know yet cause it's not totally in stone yet. We won't be going till like the 2nd week in June and we should be back in August before school starts. My brother will be coming back with us to help is out with some home projects we are going to be doing some new flooring and wall texturing and maybe even some wall demolition we shall see!! I am getting excited about all the new changes that we are going to be doing to our home soon and don't worry I will post pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I don't know when we'll be going to Idaho, but Malachi and I usually go some time in June. It would be really great if we could coordinate. I really want to finally meet your kids. I bet Malachi and Kaleb could get into some major mischief together LOL.
    I miss you so much.
    Have a great week.
