Monday, July 5, 2010

5 minutes before the "Rockets Red Glare".....

Kaleb fell asleep! Which was understandable since we had a super busy weekend. We started with a parade on Saturday, and some fun and games at the Arimo Park. Sunday we started out by going to church which I thought would be the relaxing part of my day but it wasn't, Kaleb ran away the second we got into the parked the car, and Ellie fell and hit her head really hard and had a huge goose egg(not to mention she was already cranky), and Marryne cried during most of her primary class and sharing time. Needless to say by the time I got home I was pretty frazzled, the kids and I got ready to go tubing, laid Ellie down for a nap and off we went. I drove my brothers car while I followed him and his friends in their car (they didn't know the back roads so they didn't want to drive), all was well till we got to Lava and had to find parking, I accidentally went onto private property and had a lady stand in front of the car, let's just say she wasn't very nice and neither was I. After we got parked we went in search for Uncle E and his friends, it took us a little bit but we found them, then we got the tubes and started walking. We went down 2 water falls, we made it through the first one(which was the bigger of the 2) with some minor cuts and bruises( I was the one with the cuts and bruises), Ryne and I were the first ones down the 2nd waterfall, due to avoiding a guy that flipped over just before the falls we weren't on the side that would take us safely through so we flipped! Ryne was pretty scared but she had a life jacket on and I had lifted her above water so she was ok, although she did get a mouthful of water. Uncle E and Kaleb flipped over before the falls(he wasn't the one I avoided) so they just walked around it, the kids were pretty much done after that, they were cold and scared out of there minds, after we finished the 1st run the kids wanted to warm up and eat, after that we took them back to the river (with much convincing that we weren't going to go over the falls again), we went down a small stretch of water that was calm and they loved that, it took us awhile to get them out!

Grandma, Grandpa J, and Ellie met up with us, and we had lunch and the kids ran and played with some new found friends. The fireworks didn't start till 10, and as the sun went down it got cold, Kaleb curled up in my lap with a blanket and went to sleep minutes before the fireworks started, we tried to wake him but it was out. Ellie seemed to really enjoy the fireworks, and running all over. Ryne was determined to stay awake on the ride home, but her exhaustion won out! Wow what a day we had, and I don't have any pictures to prove it cause I forgot my camera! I will take some pics of my "battle wounds" and add them later.

We had so much fun spending our 4th with family, and we are so thankful to the soldiers and our Father in Heaven that we can have such celebrations.

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