Sunday, October 3, 2010

What is your choice?

If you could know everything about your life and you had the choice to live it again in exactly the same way would you? If you knew of all the pain, suffering, all the good and bad choices, all the consequences, misery, heartache, all the love, joy, peace and happiness would you choose to live it over or say no thanks? I have pondered this a lot, right now I am going through something that was quiet devastating, something that I never thought would happen to me but it did and it hurts. It's made me think about all the hardships in my life and I have had my fair share but out of all of them I think this is the worse I have endured so far, but I would not change it if I could live my life over, right now I don't know why I have to go through this but I believe everything happens for a reason there is a purpose for everything we go through in life.

What I am going through now is nothing compared to what Jesus suffered through the Atonement, I have to remember that what I am going through now and what I will go through in the future has already been suffered for me, I am not alone in my suffering and I can pray and get the comfort I need. The comfort may not come right away, but for good reasons I am sure, it's just like when one of my kids is struggling with something, I don't help them right away I let them struggle and learn and feel and grow from the experience, and that's what our Father in Heaven wants for us.

All the things I have endured and will endure have and will make me a stronger person, I will be able to help others going through the same if not worse experience. I will be able to help my children through the trials that they will face in their lives, because I have endured and made it through my own with the Lord's hand in mine. It's strange to feel grateful for not only my blessings but my hardships as well, because what are hardships now may be blessings in the future. I know that my Savior and my Father in Heaven have not forgotten me, I know that they love me and all they ask in return is the same to not forget them and to love them unconditionally just as they do. So what is your choice?

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't Change a Thing! Thank you for reminding me also, I feel terribly for you and the pain your going through but you have it right, although not clear yet, there is a reason, and Everything you've been through has made you the Wonderful person you are today, I feel privileged to know you Heather. An old saying I know is simple yet reassuring, "And this to shall pass" so remember at the worst moments that it will pass and breathing wont hurt so bad when it does. We Love you and Miss you, and thank you again for being the strong and wonderful woman you are and thank you for helping me with your words as well.
