Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little of this a little of that

There have been so many things that I have wanted to post about lately but then I forget! Not this time, ya better settle into you seat I think this post is going to be a doozy!

First let's start with some funny stuff, last week Ryne came into my room to wake me up, she was talking about our dog Hershey I have to admit I wasn't REALLY listening, that probably sounds bad but seriously this child never stops talking once she is awake!! Anyway i started listening when she said that she wanted to get a dog that "doesn't poop or bark" that's surprised me I just told her "well all dogs bark and poop, we just have to deal with it" she of course didn't miss a beat and said "yes there are mom, I want to get a chiwawa!! They don't poop or bark!!" After I stopped laughing I asked her were she heard that and she responded with"that's just the way things are mom!" Oh my goodness kids and there silly little ideas.

Kaleb wanted me to play hide and seek with him today, but I was right in the middle of folding laundry so I told him to give me a minute, he apparently didn't like this response cause he started counting to 3 once he got to 3 he spanked me!! Yup you heard right he spanked ME and let me tell you he is stronger than ya think! I had to do my best not to laugh cause he immediately looked at my face and smiled that smile that's says "she gonna laugh and I won't get in trouble", I had to sit and explain why that isn't wasn't ok for him to spank me,all the while holding in my laughter that just wanted to burst out!

Ok so onto the not so funny stuff Ryne gave a talk on Sunday and she did a great job, even though the kids were laughing. I know they weren't really laughing at her more at how she was speaking into the microphone you know were every other word blast's really loud. Usually when this happens the child giving the talk usually see's the humor in this and continues to do it just to me funny, but not Marryne she got really embarrassed and even stopped for a second, I had to reassure her that everything was ok and encouraged her to keep going. I actually cut her talk in half because of all the laughter coming from the other kids and the hesitance coming form Ryne. All the teachers were great to tell her what a good job she did and that really boosted her spirits, once she got a sticker she had forgotten about the whole thing, it makes me pose the question to myself if she can forget about it why can't I? I know the kids weren't really laughing at Ryne and I know that they weren't trying to be hurtful, but still for some reason it bothers me. I feel bad for Ryne even though she doesn't seem to pay any mind to it at all, I think part of it for me is that she struggles everyday with her speech trying to get people to understand her and that she gets made fun of and kids and even an occasionally adult will call her names yes adults can be just if not more heartless then children!! So maybe it's just the "mama bear" that kicks in whether my baby is being hurt or not, I just want to protect her from everything and everyone and I know that this is and impossible thing to do and that she has to have life experiences and I will have to learn to just be there for her and help her through her struggles. For now I am thankful that she is young enough that a hug, kiss, a sticker and words of encouragement make everything better.

Kaleb starts school next week and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet!? I am excited for him, I think that he will love to make new friends especially boys his age and I think a little structure will help him a lot! But on the other hand it's a little nerve racking for me to think that my 3 yr old is going to be riding the bus by himself WITHOUT me!! He is going to learn that he loves learning and playing and he will also learn that he likes being in a class were the majority are boys instead of being at home were he is in the minority. I will miss my little cuddle bug in the mornings that's when we do the majority of our cuddling! As I think about his I think it's silly the way I fell I mean really he's only gonna be gone 4 days a week for 4 hrs, it's not like he's movin away but I'm still gonna miss my little "handsome man" for the hrs he's gone.

Since I named the things that I WILL miss about"handsome man", I think I will balance it out with what I will NOT miss: I won't miss the constant screaming, or the stopping around to see how much noise he can make, or the fact that he know exactly what buttons to push to drive Ryne crazy (or me for that matter), or the crying because he missed his favorite T.V. show cause he was to busy playing, or the constant reminders for him to stop climbing on the entertainment center, corner shelf, and coffee table. I will however enjoy the nice quiet relaxing mornings were I can get most of my work done, and spend some girly time with my girls. I will enjoy being able to start some sewing projects without having to stop every 5 mins to stop him from doing something that he shouldn't be doing in the first place. I will also enjoy when he get's off the bus I will be the one to meet him, and hug him and ask about his day, I will be the first one to comfort him when he needs it, I will be the one he wants to cuddle with after a long day of school. I will enjoy that when he get's home from school Ryne will go to school and Ellie will be asleep giving me some one on one time with my "handsome man". So I think all and all I will be at peace with him going to school there are more good things about it than bad! So with all that said I am feeling much better about the matter!!!

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