Friday, June 12, 2009


I was sitting in my doctor's office today getting ready to hold Ellie down to get her shot's and I realized that being a mommy is bittersweet. I am a young mom and I am sure I don't even know the half of it, but there are so many things that are really hard about being a mommy but then there is a reverse side that makes it totally worth it. These are some of the things that I struggle with, so I thought about the flip side to each one.

When you see the look of pain on their face when they get their shots, my heart just aches for them but on the bright side after it is done the only one that can make the "hurt" go away is mommy.

When they are sick and there is nothing you can do to help them, most of the time all they want you to do is love them and to be there for them.

When they fall down and really get hurt, mommies kiss and a band aide always makes the "boo boo" feel better.

When other kids make fun of and hurt your child's feelings, sometimes I wish I could just take there place for them but I can', but with some kind uplifting words (and a cookie) the bad words just melt away

When all they do all day is whine and cry and fight with each other, the flip side peace and quiet when they go to bed, and when I check on the at night I remember how sweet they really are and how much despite all the crying that I still love them with all my heart and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

When there is something wrong and you have no answers and all you can do is wait, this is a tuff one and I was thinking what is the flip side to this? And if I were to answer it personally (and I am) I would say knowing that I am loved and supported by all my loved and that I am never alone in anything.

Sure there are more things that make it tuff to be a mommy like the never ending diapers, laundry, dishes, house cleaning, constant care of the kids, etc.... and any surprises that may come a long the way, just remember at the end of the day you truly are special because you are the only one that can handle what comes your way and as bitter as it can it can be you are always loved unconditionally by your kids and at the end of the day all they want is mommy and I think that is the sweetest part.

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