Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Melt down

So I had a melt down today. I mean full fledged tears and frustration. Lately I have not been able to keep up with all the house work and my hubby and kids aren't making it any easier. Don't get me wrong I love them to death but come on help me out a bit. But while I was crying I had a lot of thoughts and questions like why does my family just expect things to just be done? For instance on Monday night Dana waited until 11p.m. to see if he had pants for work and to his surprised he didn't. We were so busy over the weekend that I didn't get the laundry done. Anyway so he is kinda ticked because he had no clean pants, which makes me mad cause I know that he is ticked at ME!! So anyway I get mad and gather up his pants and go wash them after 11 at night! I ended up not going to bed until after1 because Marryne woke up with a fever, I ended up sleeping in the girls room(cause I was so ticked) and Marryne needed the comfort. Now what made me even more mad was that Dana didn't even got to work on Tuesday cause he had taken the day off just in case we had to be in the hospital with Ellie. Well by the afternoon I wasn't so mad and we talked about it and one thing he said was that he was a little mad that the pants weren't clean but that he took it for granted that it's always done, that did make me feel better. Last night I went to go spend some nice quality alone and look at some pretty bows, leaving Dana in charge of the kids and the house, now I did leave it messy but I figured that everyone knows the routine. So I get home and the house is an absolute mess, the dishwasher never got unloaded and loaded, there were dirty dishes all over the house not to mention dirty clothes, toys and whatever else you can think of. So I wasn't happy but I was too tired to do anything about it. But it did spur up the question why can't men multi-task? I mean as a women I am expected to keep a clean house, make the meals , take care of the kids and everything else in between, so why don't we expect our husbands to be able to do it? The excuse last night was the kids, that it's hard to do anything with the kids. Now I agree with that but I always seem to manage.

When I woke up this morning the messy house was just to overwhelming, I got the kids up and fed and then began to shovel through the mess, now usually it takes us about an hr to clean the house, but today it took all morning. The kids refused to help, I asked nicely several times and when that didn't work I started yelling now that's not something that I usually do, in fact it is a last resort. Anyway once I started yelling and getting angry the kids jumped to it for a little bit anyway. Every time I emptied a laundry basket and went back to fill it up I just felt over whelmed every time I even looked at the house I just got tears in my eyes. I finally sat on the floor in the kitchen and gave into the tears. Now my poor kids are in tears cause mommy is in tears. Marryne brings me some toilet paper to wipe away the tears, Kaleb brings his Kaleb and his blanket and camps out on the floor ( I guess he figure that this was gonna take awhile !!). After I pull myself together I start talking to the kids about why I am upset and what they can do to help, they seemed to understand and after I cried some more we got to work. They were much bigger helpers after we talked, we did have a couple of bumps and I had to yell again but we did ok. Dana called from work and I melted again and told him just what had been going on. I felt much better just talking about it and we came up with plan and figured we would talk to the kids about it after he got home. So we sat down with the kids and made some house rules, we also talked about what would happen if the rules weren't kept. We also talk about the kids chores and we gave them each a little more responsibility. Dana and I split the chores that the kids can't really do yet, and ya know it didn't seem like it was that much when we gave each person something to do, but it seemed a lot when it was just me doing it. So I am hoping that by sticking by the rules and helping each other out we will all be much happier.


  1. Heather - Sounds like one of my "the house, kids and husband are driving me CRAZY" breakdowns! When I added the stress of working full time, the breakdowns have been more often then I like...but I hear ya girl! You're certainly not alone! :)

  2. Thanks Lola, that does make me feel better. I think my frustration comes more from the fact that I don't have a car during the day, and it's just the same stuff everyday! I am feeling much better now that we sat down and talked about it, the kids already seem to be better, we will see how tomorrow goes. =)

  3. I have had many a days that I have felt that way. Luckly my boys are a bit bigger now and they do have a chore chart for the summer! It has been a huge help, now granted, my house isnt as clean and I would love for it to be but beggers cant be choosers and Im just glad for the help right now! Hope they stick to helping you out!!

  4. Wow I seriously started crying when I was reading this. I totally know how you feel, but I only have one kid. It just seems like the house never stays clean for long and the only thing he can help with is picking up his toys and sometimes goes with me to take out the garbage. I really hope they start helping you more. Being a Mom is an overwhelming job at times. We just need a little help. Another idea would be to call your visiting teachers maybe they can come over and help a bit. I wish I had that option. We'll get into that later. Sending Hugs your way. Love you.
