Monday, June 8, 2009

Gotta love busy days!

So I love busy days, cause it really sucks not having a car during the day so when we keep busy the day just flies by. The kids actaully slept in this morning which was totally awesome the girls were up by 9 Kaleb slept till almost 10 aaahhh I tell ya. After getting off the phone with my mother, and giving Ellie her treatment and feeding everyone the kids helped me tidy up their rooms and they both made their beds (all by themselves) it wasn't the way I would have done it but then again they aren't me and they were so proud of themselves. Anyway after that we cleaned the rest of the house by the time we got done with all that it was time for lunch so we all took a break. Kaleb normally takes a nap at noon but I figured since daddy was going to get home around 1:30 he could stay awake and then we could all go swimming. So I put in a movie for them while I took care of Ellie and myself. Then daddy got home and after putting away the groceries we went swimming, well Dana and the older kids anyway Ellie wasn't having it so I sat on the side of the pool with her which was ok cause it was a little cold for me anyway. Once we got home from the pool Dana went out to drop of a prescription for Ellie and I got dinner ready, the kids and I ate while Dana was gone. (we just couldn't wait!) After dinner was done we cleaned up and then I got really ambitious and started deep cleaning our computer/sewing room , I have been avoiding cleaning it for to long so long that you could barely even get to the computer!! So I rolled up my sleeves and dug in (literally), I'm only half way done but I figured it's 10 p.m. and I am tired. It looks great though so far I can't wait to finish it. So yes today was a busy day and I am sure tomorrow will be to, I figure that I will do most of the work when Kaleb takes a nap, Marryne's excited to help me to so we will see how that goes. Now I am going to go have a nice tall glass of chocolate milk and go to bed. =)

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