Saturday, June 27, 2009

P is for !?

I think it's funny at the lengths a parent will go to get their child to fully potty train or at least go "poopy" in the potty! =) I have mentioned before that Kaleb is potty training and he is doing wonderful except that he refuses to go "poopy" in the potty. At first we just figured that it was that he did understand the feeling till it was to late, but he has proved me wrong he just doesn't like to go "poopy" in the potty. When he has to go he will bring me a diaper so that he can go in that and then he will bring me the wipes and let me know when he is done. Now I'm sure you are asking "why doesn't she just refuse to put the diaper on and encourage him to go on the potty?" The answer to that would be that I do and he is such a clever and sneaky little boy that he just holds it until it is bedtime when I put a diaper on him and then when I go to check on him later in the night I get a nice whiff and have to change him while he is asleep which by the way is harder than it sounds!! We have tried many ways to encourage him last week I was using my cheer leading skills and making up cheers for him, he seemed to like the way the cheers sounded but when it came down to it he didn't like the real meaning behind them! Today we were sitting at the dinner table when he brings me a diaper I of course refuse to put it on him and Dana is trying to encourage him to go in the potty by singing "P is for potty" to the tune of "C is for Cookie". Now Kaleb is a music whizz and caught on right away and started singing but still refused to go, I decided to sing "P is for poopy", this apparently was even more amusing and both kids started singing it and dancing around the house,but of course Kaleb has not yet gone "poopy".I'm sure that we will come up with some other funny thing to help encourage him to do all of his business on the potty. The sky is the limit, it's amazing how creative and fun you can get when you are trying to get something out of someone(no pun intended =)).

Quick update on Ellie most of you already know this but for those who don't Ellie is back home now she is doing great. They released her this morning after she ate and kept it down, she was so happy to be home she gave Marryne and Kaleb a giant smile when we got home and both the kids greeted her with hugs and kisses they really missed there little sister. We wanted to thank all those who helped us out with meals and babysitting and also those that didn't but were willing we really appreciate you all.

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