Friday, June 19, 2009

Funny moments!

Ok so this morning I was sitting in the living room feeding Ellie and Marryne asks Kaleb if he wants to dance. He looks at her for a minute and says "yeah". I think this is so cute, I figure they are going to do their usual little spins and stuff and to my surprise they start doing the tango!! And Kaleb my little music man is even humming the music. I was so surprised I wish I would have had my camera.I figured that they got it from So you Think you can Dance. I don't usually watch that show but lately we have been. After they were done doing the tango they kinda went into what I think it was suppose to be the graceful Waltz, but they inherited my genes so it wasn't so graceful!=)

I just love when my kids make me laugh here are some things they have done that certainly made me laugh maybe they will make you laugh too.

Dana was trying to show Kaleb how to stand up and go pee pee in the potty. Marryne walks in the bathroom and says "daddy I tried doing that!", I am in the kitchen but I can hear everything on the baby monitor and he says " or really and how did that go?", she smiles and without missing a beat says " it didn't go over so well!!!" We couldn't stop laughing.

When Marryne was around 2 yrs old she used to give herself "swirlies" in the toilet!!

The other day Kaleb runs past me in a panic and says " I have to pee!" I just smiled and laughed I could here him talking to himself over the baby monitor and then all of the sudden in a very shrill voices he yells " Hey mommy I can right my name!" he's cheering himself on and quite proud that he discovered that he doesn't need a pencil and paper to right his name!!

Kaleb kinda has a barbie fetish ( actually it's really just because of the hair.) and Marryne really hates it when she sees Kaleb with her barbies. One day I was in the kitchen making lunch and they were fighting and arguing, I ask what's going on and she tells me " buddy has my barbie and won't give it to me." now Kaleb had had this barbie all morning and it was just now bothering her. Anyway she's chasing him around the house and they are both screaming. Normally I give them a warning and if they don't listen they go to there rooms and I take away the toy so no one can have it. Well I give them the normal warning and tell Marryne that he is not hurting her barbie she looks at me and says very seriously I might add " YES HE ARE" and the chase continued! Kaleb finally got tired of her chasing him and he pitched the barbie.

Kaleb is potty training right now but he refuses to go "poop" in the potty. One day I was in the computer room and he brings me a diaper he tells me he needs to go poop and hands me the diaper again. I try to encourage him to go on the potty but he won't, instead of fighting over it I just put the diaper on him. He goes into the corner of the room and bends over and he exclaims as he is pushing and turing bright red " urgh that's a big one urgh!!", then after he was finished he brought me the wipes and said " ok I'm done!"

Ok so sometimes I have a little bit of a potty mouth ( oh come on who doesn't!) anyway Dana laughs and says that "damn" is my favorite word. And he is right I say it more often then I should, but I have been trying really hard to stop and this is why, Kaleb caught onto the word and now uses it all the time and he uses it in the right context! He isn't the only one that caught onto it, although Marryne doesn't say it all the time like Kaleb does it does "slip" out once in awhile, like the other day when I was on the floor of her bedroom having my "mommy melt down" she pats me on the shoulder gives me a hug, wipes away my tears and says " come on mom let's clean this damn house." It did make me smile and it gave me the little boost I needed. =)

Ok so those are just a few, there are so many more but if I shared them all then I would be here all day. Anyway I hope that made ya smile. I am still laughing!

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