Thursday, June 4, 2009

One of those days!

So I was up all night with a sick little baby. Ellie has an ear infection and she has been having trouble breathing..yeah. At least we know what is wrong and now we have the stuff to make her better I just wish she would get better fast so I can get some sleep. Trying to giver her nebulizer treatments in the middle of the night is tuff, she hates the machine, the medicine tastes awful and she can't eat for a half after she has the treatment! So she screamed her little head off till the older kids woke up, I guess she figured if she had to be up and miserable so did everyone else!=) After I finally got all the kids back to bed my hubbies alarm went off ( I really hate when that happens). Then shortly after that Ellie woke up again, she is really struggling with breathing and it freaks her out and then she just cries but at least when she cries she is breathing, so I guess there is some good to it after all.
So we all get up at 6 this morning, Kaleb is potty training at the moment and so he wants to wear underwear he has been doing really good with it lately so I figure sure why not?. Yeah that was the wrong response, what I should have said was no how bout ya wear a diaper today!?, but I didn't. Anyway so after we eat breakfast he goes potty and we are doin great, after giving Ellie another treatment and feeding her she's asleep so I figure I will pop in a movie for the older kids and take a nap, which was really nice until I woke up to Kaleb's little wet behind next to my head. So yeah he had an accident so no big deal right? Well then I take a nice deep breath and oh boy it didn't smell like my air freshener! So great he pooped, still not to big of a deal till he decides he is going to help me out by cleaning himself up. Not only did I have to give him a bath but I had to scrub down the bath room and pull out the carpet cleaner!! So it's only 10 a.m. I wonder what other adventures we are going to have today. I just keep telling myself it could be worse so be grateful and I am very grateful.


  1. Ugh! Okay, so not a fun morning, it sounds like. I hate potty training. I hope Ellie feels better soon.
    Jacob was throwing up last night, so we didn't have the greatest night either. At least we got to sleep in later than that, though.
    Good luck making it through the day. :-)

  2. Glad to see you caved! haha Bloggin is fun:) Sorry Ellie has been so sick! Its tough when they are so little and cant tell you whats going on.
