Monday, August 3, 2009

Awesome Big Girl

Marryne was such a great help for me today! All of the kids were especially good today, but if I had an award to give it would got to Marryne. She played nice with Kaleb and Ellie today, she helped me make cookies and clean up the mess. Earlier today Kaleb decided to empty out every single one of his toys (so that he could play with the organizers)turning his room into a complete disaster I told Kaleb he would have to clean it up before he had any dinner and my sweet little Marryne without saying a word to anyone went and cleaned his room to the best of her ability she did such a great job. She is so observant for a 4 yr old while I was juggling making dinner, feeding the baby and keeping Kaleb off the counters she came over helped clean up a spill off the floor then she got the baby food I had prepared put a bib on Ellie and started feeding her for me! What a wonderful little helper. She even rinsed off her dishes after dinner and put them in the dishwasher, she helped pick up the rest of the house and then got in her pajamas with no complaints at all, the only thing she wanted was for me to read her a story! Dana went to bed early so I figured for a special treat(and since school starts in a couple of weeks)that I would let Ryne stay up a little later tonight!

It makes me feel like I am doin something right when she does things like that. I can't believe how big she is it feels like it was only yesterday that she was an infant in my arms. I love her so much and I am so thankful for such a helpful selfless little girl. She always seems to think of everyone else but herself and I love that about her. She even loves those who seem to not like her much "because Jesus said to love them anyway". She is also pretty patient for a 4 yr old especially when it comes to me doin her hair, she will sit there so still and quiet, it is very rare that she complains and if she does it's usually cause her neck is a little sore.=) I have such a wonderful family, and I am so thankful for them and all that they do for me!

Kaleb and I were playing "dinosaurs" tonight except that he had a polar bear and it won every single time. Even when I thought I was going to win I didn't. =) It just made me think in real life if there was a fight between a polar bear and a T-REX which one would win? The T-Rex does have a big mouth and very sharp and strong teeth but it's front legs are very tiny and not too powerful either not very good for holding on to something, but a polar bear on the other hand is very strong it's front legs are longer and stronger, the polar bear could probably knock the T-REX over if it really tried and I think that it would be difficult for the T-REX to get the bear off. At least that's my thinking what do you think? Which one would win and why? Just a random question, I think it's amazing at the things my kids get me to ponder! =)

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