Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to School!

Today was Ryne's first day back to Pre-School. Everything went smoothly at home but not so smoothly with the school. The bus was 10 minutes late picking her up, so we only had enough time for 1 picture of her by the bus. And then I guess there was some confusion at the end of the day and some kids were on the wrong buses and they were down 1 driver. They had to take all the kids off the buses and basically label them so they new which bus each kid belonged on, needless to say they were 15 minutes late dropping her off! We got a little concerned and called the school to find out what was going on, luckily while we were on the phone the bus came.

She was saying " back to school" instead of cheese. Kaleb was just bein silly.
I made this korker bow for Ryne last night, and then I realized that I hadn't made the shirt that matched it yet, so I stayed up even later to make the shirt it only took me an hr I got to bed around midnight.
First day hair style, ya can't go to school without cute hair!

Isn't she a doll? She is definitely worth staying up for. She looked super cuter and she was so happy and giddy.
After Ryne was off to school Kaleb and Ellie both surprised me by taking naps!! The silence was so nice and a friend came over and we made hair bows, ate pizza and just chatted. It has been a great day! I hope tomorrow is just as nice. ;)

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