Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Not such a great evening

So ya today was awesome as I explained in my other post but then it all went to crap around 4 p.m.. We were all doin great the kids were being nice with each other, Ellie was playing on the floor, I was folding laundry no drama at all and then Dana walks in and all hell brakes loose. SERIOUSLY what is that all about!? Kaleb and Ryne started screaming and yellin at each other, Ellie decided that since everyone else was crying she should be too. I figure my hubby would help out a little with the kids or help me with dinner NOPE! I ended up juggling all 3 kids while trying to finish folding and putting away the laundry, making dinner, and feeding the baby!! It was a mad house, and I was getting so ticked cause Dane was on the computer with no offer to help me. He finally came out cause I had to just let Ellie cry( I just didn't have enough hands) and apparently that made him feel bad, he felt sorry for her! What about ME!!!? I was the one juggling everything, she was just crying cause she wanted some one to hold her she wasn't hurt, or poopy don't get me wrong I totally love my baby in fact she was my silver lining tonight, but still I think ya get my point. Anyway after playing with her for a little bit he finally came in to help me (even though by now I had everything under control), I had him take over cookin the meat while I fed the baby. Then after dinner Dane unloaded the dish washer, while I gave the baby a bottle, then I cleared the table put away the food, loaded the dish washer and swept the floor while the living room wasn't clean and I had asked before I even started my work for them to clean up their toys and stuff. I asked Ryne and Kaleb to pick up Ryne came up and told me "NO we want to play and that's what we are going to do!", I was about to yell and scream but decided against it I just looked at her and said "Fine" in a calm voice and she ran off and continued to play. Once I was done cleaning up the kitchen I grabbed a laundry basket and started piling everything in it when Ryne asked me what I was doing I just told her that I was cleaning up and that they wouldn't get to have the things that were on the floor (toys, shoes, backpacks...) she got really up set over it, cause her new shoes and stuff were in there. I just reminded her of the rule " If you don't pick up your toys when asked, it becomes mommy and daddy's property and you have to earn it back" she started yellin and screaming at me (like that was gonna help), and surprisingly I said nothing I just continued to clean up. She finally came into her room while I was putting away all the books that were on the floor, and talked to me I was telling her about being responsible and asked her about the books, of course she told me what I already new that Kaleb was the one to pull them out. I asked her if she was in the room when he did it and if she was then why she didn't come and get me right away like she is suppose to? Her first response was " well I told daddy and he didn't do anything.", well I knew that wasn't true cause daddy wasn't home when it happened, so I asked her again she just shrugged her shoulders, so I told her that if it happened again then I would take away the books even though she wasn't the one to dump them on the floor she was there when it happened and she didn't do anything she looked at me and said " Wait, Wait, Wait we need to talk about this!" I had to turn my head and smile, but my response was that there was nothing to talk about she knows the consequences next time it happens the books are mommy's property.

After all of that I decided to go sit in the dark laundry room and say a little prayer and just plain calm down. It took about a 1/2 hr before anyone missed me. By then Dana had all the kids (including Ellie) in bed. He went out to run a quick errand and came back with chocolate for me that was really nice and it did make me feel better. So I guess my day wasn't too terrible and I am sure that it could have been worse, and I did finish all of the laundry today and I can't even remember that last time that happened, so tomorrow I really won't have a ton of work to do, and hopefully we will continue our awesome mornings.

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