Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To strangle or not to srangle that is the question!

Have you ever had one of those days ya just want to strangle your husband? Have ya ever had a day were he comes home looks around and gives a disapproving sigh, which you can only take to mean that he thinks that because the house is a mess you haven't been doing anything when in reality you have been keeping up with the laundry taking care of a cranky teething baby and deep cleaning the kids room? Have ya ever had days like that? I have in fact that was my day today. The kids and I have been busy all day with laundry and shifting bedrooms around we had to take a break this afternoon for an appointment and then my dear hubby amazingly had to run some more errands (knowing I wouldn't want us all to go cause it's to darn hot to drive around without an air conditioner)so when we got home Kaleb fell asleep, I thought the baby would too but I was wrong. She is teething and as cranky as ever, she's really impossible right now. Last night we(me and my hubby) decided that the toys needed to be moved out of Kaleb's room because he just dumps them all out and makes a big mess that we(I) have to clean up later. So that was the shifting I was talking about earlier, I couldn't just take the toys over to Ryne's room I had to clean Kaleb's room first gather all the toys, then go clean Ryne's room to make room for the toys a took a long time and "we" were suppose to do it but amazingly enough it was just me!

Does you husband say "we" need to do this or that, or that really needs to be taken care of and in reality he really mean YOU? All of our "we"projects seem to turn into me projects and honestly it really sucks. Marryne helped a little with the bedrooms but only because I threatened to throw away all of her toys and books. So the kids rooms are very clean, I can't say that for the rest of the house but ya know what I say THE HECK WITH IT!! If he doesn't like it then he can clean it himself! WOW I really needed to get that off my chest, thanks for listenin!

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you. That happens a lot for me at home. Most of the time anything to do with the house is me. However since Sean's in Afghanistan right now it REALLY is all me. It stinks. I'm sorry you had a bad day. Hopefully you can talk to him about it and work things out.
